USDOT Biennial Update

To keep your DOT number in compliance you must file USDOT Biennial Update
Finally, you are done with the hardest part of starting a tracking business buying a track, getting your CDL license, completing the physical examination and your DOT number, Now you must assure that you keep your DOT number in compliance with the FMCSA requirements.
The FMCSA want to assure that they have the most resent updated and accurate information about your business information. Therefore, The FMCSA implemented a specific time frame that can be identified by looking at the DOT number.
The last 2 digits of your DOT will determine when you USDOT biennial update is due to be filed.
1. The last number will determine on which month your USDOT Biennial update will be filed
January - 1
February -2
March -3
April -4
May -5
June -6
July -7
August -8
September -9
October -0
2. The 2nd to last number will determine on which year your USDOT Biennial update will be due:
If the 2nd to last USDOT number is EVEN (2, 4, 6, 8 …..) that means that your USDOT Biennial update must be file on every EVEN numbered year (2022, 2024, 2026, 2028…)
If the 2nd to last USDOT number is ODD (3, 5, 7, 9 …..) that means that your USDOT Biennial update must be file on every EVEN numbered year (2023, 2025, 2027, 2029…)