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How to Start a Trucking Company


You will need to apply for some basic compliance to get started

Starting a trucking company is a great business opportunity! The transportation industry expected to grow tremendously as most of the freight in the United States is currently transported by trucks.

If you are planning on starting your own trucking business this article can help you batter understand the process of starting new trucking business and the compliance that will follow.

1. Obtaining a Commercial business license (CDL)

Drivers have been required to have a commercial driver's license (CDL) in order to drive certain commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) since April 1, 1992.

In order to obtain CDL license each driver must pass a series of test to check the driver’s knowledge and skills. Drivers will also we asked to complete a medical physical exam to make sure the are medically fit to drive a commercial vehicle.

To obtain the CDL license you will have to reach out to the secretary of state office in your home state to apply.

2. Obtaining a Necessary compliance

Requirements will vary by state in terms of business licensing. Every driver should check which of the following items will be required base of the operation of his business, as different business operation most like will require different compliance.

a. A USDOT Number:

The FMCSA, The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, uses this unique number to identify all commercial drivers that required to obtain one, to keep track of the drivers information. This information is use by the administration for different purposes such as to identify the company when conducting inspections, audits, and investigations.

b. A Motor Carrier Operating Authority, MC Number:

Depending on your business operation you may need to submit a request to issue an MC number, you can have one MC number of multiple base on the operation of your business, mostly what type of cargo you carry.

c. A BOC-3:

Also called a process agent, is a United States federal filling that designate a legal agent which will receive legal notices on behalf of the driver. This is a required filling and often it is required before other federal operating authority can be granted.

d. UCR, Unified Carrier Registration:

This program requiring all individuals or companies that operate commercial motor vehicles in interstate commerce capacity to register their business with the UCR program and pay the annual fee required based on the size of their fleet.

At American Carrier Compliance we help driver`s to plan their business and try to help them to determine which compliance they need.

3. Choose the right equipment:

Choosing the right equipment for your cargo is essential as different cargo may require different accommodations. Foe example if you will carry a cargo that will require you to have some sort of temperature control.

You should conduct a comprehensive research before making this decision. Its is also a good idea to consult with a professional in the field that can give you some advice or another driver that can share his experience.

4. Keep Compliance:

Keeping compliance will be part of your business for the long run. Make sure you know about all the annual fees and filling such as:

Mcs-150: Biennial Update must be filed every 2 years to keep your DOT number in compliance

USR: Must be paid every year, the amount may vary based on how big your fleet of vehicles is.

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